
The Global Survey of Public Servants is led by an international team of researchers, who have each conducted cross-country surveys of public servants, as part of the Stanford University Governance Project, the World Bank Bureaucracy Lab and the UCL-Nottingham-Roskilde Centre for People Analytics in Government.

Picture of Katherine Bersch

Davidson College

Investigator, Stanford Governance
Project | Assistant Professor of Political Science

Picture of Francis Fukuyama

Stanford University

Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute

Picture of Zahid Hasnain

The World Bank

Lead Governance Specialist in the Governance Global Practice

Picture of Kerenssa Kay

The World Bank

Survey Manager at the Bureaucracy Lab, 2016-2021

Picture of Jan Meyer-Sahling

University of Nottingham

Professor of Political Science

Picture of Kim Mikkelsen

Roskilde School of Governance

Associate Professor of Politics and Public Administration

Picture of Dinsha Mistree

Stanford University Law School

Research Fellow and Lecturer in the Rule of Law Program

Picture of Daniel Rogger

The World Bank

Senior Research Economist in the
Development Impact Evaluation Research Group

Picture of Christian Schuster

University College London

Professor in Public Management

Project Team

Picture of Ayesha Khurshid

The World Bank

Survey Lead at the Bureaucracy Lab

Picture of Robert Lipinski

The World Bank

Data Analyst at the Bureaucracy Lab

Picture of Flavia Sacco

The World Bank

Data Coordinator at the Bureaucracy Lab


Among the many people who have contributed to the development of the GSPS and the implementation and analysis of the surveys included in the initiative, we would like to highlight the contributions of the following people:

Jane Adjabeng | Luiza Andrade | Donna Andrews | Elsa Araya | Tesfaye Atire | Sheheryar Banuri Margaret Boittin | Jim Brumby | Pedro Cavalcante | Serena Cocciolo | Izabela Correa | Vincenzo Di Maro | Greg Distelhorsts | Margherita Fornasari | Natalia Forrat | Verena Fritz | Javier Fuenzalida | Alexandre Gomide | Srishti Gupta | Adam Harris | Raphael Machado | Anamarija Musa | Maria Jones | Allan Kasapa | Philip Keefer | Asmeen Khan | Roshni Khincha | Galileu Kim | Shree Krishna Shrestha | Shubhangi Kumari | Tracey Lane | Arianna Legovini | Robert Lipinski | Kazi Maruful Islam | Turkan Mustafa Qizi Mukhtarova | Cerlin Pesti | Hamit Qeriqi | Taiabur Rahman | Tiina Randma-Liiv | Imran Rasul | Magdalena Rojas | Sushmita Samaddar | Brigitte Seim | Ansi Shundi | Ishtiak Siddique | Rachel Sigman | Luis Silvestre Quiroga | Anita Sobjak | Ravi Somani | Katarina Staronova | Fanni Toth | Martin Williams

Funders of Surveys

A number of ​organizations have provided financial support for the surveys undertaken by the GSPS Consortium. In particular, we would like to acknowledge support of the following bodies:

World Bank Group (The Development Impact Evaluation Department | The Governance Global Practice | EFI Chief Economist's Office) | The International Growth Centre | UKAID | KDI School of Public Policy and Management | European Commission (Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy)

Please get in touch with the Consortium using the below contact form if you would like to find out more about supporting our wider initiative

Contact us

If you would like to contact the survey team, please reach out to them at