How to Run the Survey

To support the development of public servants surveys around the world, the GSPS provides a series of resources to strengthen the survey process.

    1. We propose a core module for inclusion in all surveys of public servants.

    ​2. We provide a large range of other modules as a question bank.

    3. We have produced a series of survey tools to guide survey work.

Global Survey Core Questionnaire Module

To improve the coherence of surveys of public servants across space and time, the GSPS proposes that public servants surveys include a common module of questions.  The rationale for a common module and the selection of the particular questions chosen is outlined in the GSPS Conceptual Framework.  There are 46 questions in total, with a standard running time of 15 minutes.  Browse the core module below and download it here.  The core module is also available to download in Spanish and Portuguese, including a programmed version on SurveyCTO below.

Language Link              Description
 Core Module (English)   Word PDF Core module questionnaire in English
 Core Module (Spanish)   Word PDF Core module questionnaire in Spanish
 Core Module (Portuguese)   Word PDF Core module questionnaire in Portuguese
 Core Module (Programmed)   SurveyCTO Form Core module programmed using SurveyCTO

Global Survey Topic Modules

Beyond the GSPS Core Module, we provide here questionnaires, modules and associated documentation from a range of surveys undertaken by Global Survey founding members, to facilitate survey diagnostics on specific topics by governments or researchers.

Module Name Link Description
Informed Consent Link to Module Provides an example of a frequently used introduction and consent for survey administration.
Attitude and Motivation Link to Module Explores attitude of public servants to different aspects of their job and organization to get a sense of their motivation and its drivers.
Corruption Link to Module Explores the attitudes, experience, and behavior towards the maintenance of rules and standards across the organization.
Facilities Link to Module Explores the extent of availability of infrastructure in offices and for field-based work.
Information Link to Module Aims to assess the level of information that officials have about the demographic conditions and state of services of their jurisdiction.
Information Technology Link to Module Investigates information systems in the organization, the type of information available and the extent of its accessibility.
Job Characteristics Link to Module Aims to assess the extent to which certain knowledge, skills, and personal characteristics are important for civil servants
Labor Market Link to Module Assesses the staffing needs and labor gaps of the organization, with a focus on planning, prioritization of resources, and labor matching
Management Practice Link to Module Investigates the nature of basic management practices using both a standard methodological approach and a set of questions inspired by the World Management Survey.
Onboarding Link to Module Assesses the presence of a detailed and formal onboarding process for civil servants.
Procurement Link to Module Explores the usage, costs, and benefits of paper-based and electronic procurement systems
Remote Work and Covid-19 Link to Module Assesses working conditions, workload, interactions, and use and training on IT equipment during remote work.
Time Use Link to Module Explores how civil servants use their time during a typical work day or week through experimental methods for the measurement of time use.
Training Link to Module Explores the process of the development of skills from the time civil servants' joined the service through to their current position

Survey Tools

Conceptual Framework

Introduction to the Global
Survey and its Conceptual

Core Questionnaire

Cover of the core module of the GSPS

Please contact us if you require
the questionnaire in other

Marketing Guide

Cover of the Marketing Guide document

Advice on motivating public
servants to respond to surveys

Survey Handbook

Cover of the Government Analytics Handbook

Guidance to survey teams on
implementing surveys of public

Measurement Approach

Cover of the Measurement Approach document for the GSPS

Approach to validating the
measures used by the
Global Survey


Country Background Questionnaires

Cover of Background Questionnaire document for the GSPS

Template for a background
questionnaire on the public
service being surveyed

Contact us

If you would like to contact the survey team, please reach out to them at